Working Alongside
Small Business Owners

          Ensuring Your Financials Always Reflect Your Growth Goals.

              Your Partner for Smart Ongoing Business Decisions.    

Know the Numbers

Statistics as high as 97% of small businesses struggle or find themselves stuck financially not because of lack of effort or an inadequate product or service, but rather the absence of a constant pulse on their finances to remain proactive in their approach to what’s working and what’s not regarding revenue generation, profitability, and cash flow management.  

While most owners and leaders understand the importance of “knowing the numbers” very few have the time, energy, or financial acuity to do so.  Since the reality of running a small business pulls you in multiple directions with seemingly endless things to do, you often find yourself in a reactionary state even when you know this is not the best way to function.  The end result is usually an incredible amount of wasted time, money, and resources on top of intermittent mistakes that force you to put in far too much effort and not enough return.

The frustration that comes with working too hard for your money without a clear way out often feels incarcerating.  Fear that backing away from your business could cost you everything you’ve built despite acknowledging your approach is unsustainable is draining.  If you’re like most, nearly every day you wake up strongly believing you have something of true value to offer with a ton of potential but irritated that you have not been able to turn it into a business that produces the money you really want without killing yourself in the process. 

Light the Way

If this sounds like you, you’re certainly not alone which is why we work with two common small business challenges to help you through it:

 The first common challenge is a business that is great at what they do, but have not consistently met revenue and profit targets or find themselves with recurring cash flow issues.

 The second challenge is a business that is growing quite well and ready to expand or scale, but the business still relies on you far too much and does not have the time or resources to prepare for that leap.

No matter where you are on the challenge spectrum, the amount of confidence you will feel when you have a clear plan of action with someone right by your side to constantly validate your efforts toward growth and scalability while steering you away from any mistakes that could disrupt your forward progress is almost indescribable.  Forward progress becomes a matter of execution as opposed to wishful thinking.  

We Understand

Our company was founded on real life experiences with these exact challenges.  Owning and running a small business can be a constant struggle of working extremely hard and yet coming up short of expectations.  When increasing revenue and profits while stabilizing healthy cash flow becomes a function of systematic execution, success is made simple for nearly any entrepreneur to follow.  

The worst of times as an entrepreneur is when growth and scale seems out of reach or far too difficult to achieve without the business consuming your entire life.  On the other hand, the best of times is knowing everyday is an opportunity to make measurable progress with a clear path to do so.  Our mission is to work alongside other small business entrepreneurs as a trusted partner for smart ongoing business decisions that ensures your financials always reflects your growth goals.  The way to do that is by taking the specific actions that drive revenues, profits, and cash flow while consistently validating those efforts to stay on track and avoid pitfalls.     

 If you’re ready to have someone on your side to ensure your efforts are always moving you toward optimal growth and scale…